new release

Story Behind Flight Time

On Friday the 13thin October of1944, my uncle, Lt. Henry W. Robison climbed into his P-40 Warhawk Fighter and departed, along with his squadron, from Eglin Air Force Base for a training mission, before being deployed overseas.

During that mission, he was lost on the Gulf of Mexico off Alligator Point, Florida, leaving behind his young wife who was expecting their first child.

Although he disappeared years before I was born, I grew up hearing wonderful stories about him from my mother and grandmother. When they spoke of Henry, I gleaned their sorrow, as well as their joy, in their tellings.I learned he was a man of character who loved and honored his family and his country. I got to know him through their tales and anecdotes and grew to love him with each story told.

Fascinated by his life, I created scenarios of my own concerning his disappearance. Until, as a twelve-year-old, I was convinced he was not dead, but merely stranded on a deserted island.

Henry was fun and outgoing, respected by both his commanding officers and his peers. Dearly loved by his family, he was the golden boy and the brave one.

On that fateful day, he was flying the aircraft that pulled the target for the other planes to shoot at, and his plane may have been accidentally shot, catching fire. If it did, my family never knew if he’d had time to bail out.

The Air Force redacted the other pilot’s testimony, as well as other details, and to date has never released the full documents concerning that training mission.

Henry and his aircraft were never found, and his disappearance is still a mystery.

He was twenty-two years old.

I lovingly dedicate Flight Time to him.

Flight Time Blurb

Sixteen-year-old, student pilot, RYLEE DEAN adores her grandfather. She only knows him through her grandmother’s stories, which have led to years of romanticizing the young pilot’s life and tragic loss. When her official solo flight is postponed, she decides to fly her newly restored Cessna, instead—after all, she is the granddaughter of test pilot Jaxon C. Scott.

During the process, she notices a strange dial on the instrument panel. Only minutes in the air, the needle on the odd dial begins to spin backward—a flash of blinding light follows, and she wakes up in 1981.

Officer JAXON C. SCOTT of the U.S. Air Force has his future all mapped out. The 1980s are looking good. With an exciting career ahead of him, life couldn’t be any better, until a teenage girl shows up on the base. Upon investigation, her arrival proves to be as mysterious as the girl herself. Stranger still, she knows things about him that no one other than family could possibly know.

A series of circumstances has the girl staying with him and his mother. But due to the nature of his top-secret work, the timing of her appearance, and her intimate knowledge of his family, he’s convinced she’s hiding something much greater than her identity.

Now on Amazon

Authors/Writers, new release

Happy Release Day!

So thrilled the 2nd edition of Rogue’s Son is finally available! It’s the same fun read, but with a gorgeous new cover! The model’s name is Greg Perrow – the perfect Sam Dawson!


Here’s a short excerpt for you to enjoy!

Kit and Sam are at a barn raising and Kit is sitting underneath a tree with her lunch.

“Mind if I join you?” Sam had timed the question just as her mouth was full so she’d be less likely to say ‘no’. But the darts shooting from her eyes told him exactly what her mouth could not. He ignored it and sat down next to her. Sunlight dappled through the leaves that canopied over them, sparking fire off the copper strands that covered her head.

Kit scooted her rear over in an attempt to put some distance between them. “Yes, I mind,” she finally got out after practically choking on her food. “Besides, won’t your Dallas friend miss you?”

“Diana? She’s a big girl. I’m sure she’ll be fine for a few minutes without me.” He gazed at Diana who stood across the yard, preening and smiling at a small group of men gathered around her.”

He glanced back at Kit. She was eyeing Diana and her entourage with something close to repugnance.

“What a flirt. And that dress. Dang. Was she poured into it?” Kit fingered a button on her baggy checked blouse. “How do you stand it? She’s like a mare in season.”

He threw back his head and laughed. “I still see you have a way with words.”

“Just trying to keep you grounded.” She cleared her throat. “I have to say, I never figured you with someone like her.”

“You mean someone, long-legged and gorgeous?”

Kit forked a potato wedge. “Just sayin.”

“I don’t know? I went for you didn’t I?”

Here’s what reviewers are saying…

“A fabulous contemporary western! The emotion and drive behind Kit and Sam suck the reader in so that one’s emotions follow the same roller coaster until its sigh-worthy conclusion.” InD’tale Magazine

“I loved this book. I’ve found a new author to add to my must-read list.” Amazon Review

“Miss Flynn has given us a book that is well-written and packed it with amazing, lovable characters.” Amazon Review




Authors/Writers, Great Reads, new release, Tea Time Talks

Yes, it’s Cover Reveal Day!

Rogue’s Son – 2nd edition!

I’m so, so excited to share my gorgeous new cover of the second edition of Rogue’s Son with you! Right now, it’s available for Pre-Order on Amazon! I want to thank Los Angeles talent, Greg Perrow and LA producer and photographer, Roman Dent for sharing their gifts and talent in making this cover memorable!

Rogue’s Son was originally published in 2014, so if  you’ve been following me awhile, then you may have already read it.

But if you haven’t then you’re in for a treat. Here’s what reviewers are saying…

Rogue’s Son – 2nd Edition

“A fabulous contemporary western! The emotion and drive behind Kit and Sam suck the reader in so that one’s emotions follow the same roller coaster until its sigh-worthy conclusion.” InD’tale Magazine

“Miss Flynn has given us a book that is well-written and packed it with amazing, lovable characters.”

“I. Loved. This. Book. I absolutely will read this again and again and… okay again!”

“Prepare to fall in love with the hero!”

“It kept me smiling, sighing, and laughing… Rogue’s Son is a beautiful and sweet romance.”

Here’s the blurb!

Tough, driven Kit Kendall has replaced her frills and dresses with no nonsense haircuts and wranglers, years ago. As owner of Sage Brush, the once thriving west Texas bed and breakfast ranch, she now struggles daily to keep her business afloat. Since McCabe Resort Lodge reopened next door as a multi-million dollar hotel, her financial difficulties compound, as she suffers one cancellation after another.

Just when she thought things couldn’t get any worse, Kit’s childhood sweetheart turned nemesis returns as the new owner of the resort that’s now putting her out of business, resurrecting memories she thought she’d buried long ago.

Cowboy, entrepreneur Sam Dawson has returned to Sugar Creek, Texas after six years of exile with a secret that could destroy Kit’s happiness. He left town because of it and for the past two years has secretly tried to make it right. Having failed, he now returns to make one last attempt to undo the tangled web created by his father.

Set in motion by his father’s Last Will and Testament and with the clock ticking, Sam has only weeks to convince Kit to sell him her ranch or reveal the truth that will break her heart.

Pre-Order on Amazon and Rogue’ Son will be delivered to your mobile device on July 16th!

Authors/Writers, new release

New From Darcy Flynn – The Prince’s Fake Fiancée

The Prince’s Fake Fiancee is live on Amazon!


No nonsense, Samantha Keller loves her job at Colfax Security Agency. The no-frills
environment is the perfect compliment to her simple hair cut and no makeup lifestyle. After living in the shadows of her glamorous but hateful stepsister for so many years, Samantha’s quite content to be unnoticed and overlooked.

When she discovers her latest assignment is to guard a popular playboy prince, she’s anything but elated. Even worse, when she finally meets him, she learns her job has nothing to do with protection.

Prince Marcus de Blecourt of Sterlyn is looking forward to visiting New York on what could be his last trip abroad as a single man. But he hasn’t given up his freedom yet. This trip could be the perfect opportunity to thwart the family’s ‘arrangements’ with Lady Pricilla Rothschild.

Prince Marcus is anything but impressed with the unattractive woman from a security firm who arrives as his escort. Unless he can turn her into a super model overnight, it will take a minor miracle to pull off his plan. But when he learns who’s responsible for the setup, he’s even more determined to succeed. He decides to turn the tables, only to find the tables have indeed already turned…but on him.

Buy Now



Two Days left to VOTE!

Hey y’all,

One of my readers contacted me and was having trouble voting from the link I sent the other day. So… here’s the link to InD’taleMagazine. If you haven’t subscribed, do that first, then they will send an email for you to verify. After that you can log in, click on 2019 RONE AWARDS, and go to week three. You’ll find Stowaway listed under Mystery.

Voting in week three ends tomorrow evening. I would love your support!

ER March 19 Stowaway hi-res

Best and Blessings,


Authors/Writers, giveaway


Hey Friends,

Stowaway_850Week three of the 2019 RONE Awards Reader Voting opens today. Last month when Stowaway received an Elite Five Star Review from InD’tale Magazine, it automatically became a RONE Award Nominee. The reader voting is the second stage in the process and that’s where I need your help.

So… If you have a few minutes I’d really appreciate your vote. Stowaway is in the Mystery category.

Below is the link to the voting page. If this is your first time to vote in this award, you will have to create an account and log in. It’s super easy, just follow the prompt. And don’t worry, you will not receive any emails from InD’tale Magazine, this is simply to make sure it stays one vote per person.

Click here to get to InD’taleMagazine!

I want to thank you in advance for taking the time to cast your vote for Stowaway!

And here’s the link to the Elite Review if you’d like to read it!



Authors/Writers, new release

Stowaway Release Day!

Hi Friends,

I’m thrilled to announce the release of my first romantic suspense, Stowaway!

It’s still has all the elements you’ve some to expect from a sweet, fun, Darcy Flynn Romance!


Here’s the book blurb and a excerpt! Enjoy!

Her identity is hidden … He’s determined to uncover it

Charleston, South Carolina shipping heiress, MIRANDA MERRICK, discovers one of her family’s cargo ships, the Elle Merrick, has suffered multiple attacks by a saboteur. The devious actions have put the company at risk for bankruptcy. Refusing to sit idly, she boards the Elle in hopes of gaining help from her uncle, the ship’s captain, only to find a stranger at the helm.

In an effort to discover the culprit and save her family’s company, Miranda stows away on the ship – keeping her identity a secret while conducting her own investigation. Making matters more complicated, she finds herself attracted to the new captain, who could very well be the enemy.

Captain NOAH SHEPPARD is hoping to merge his small, cargo shipping line, Clayton Company, with the multinational conglomerate, Merrick Shipping. Upon discovering one of Merrick’s ships has been deliberately and systematically sabotaged by a crew member, he agrees to captain the targeted vessel in hopes of discovering the identity of the saboteur.

Two days into the voyage, Noah discovers a stowaway, and assumes she’s either the saboteur or in league with him. But what Noah didn’t bargain for is having to deal with the mysterious, gorgeous, redhead, who wreaks havoc – not only to his patience, but to his heart.



“Who are you? How did you get aboard?”

The light bulb overhead gave him a clear view of her face and slender body. Dressed in jeans, white sneakers and a dark hooded sweater, she stood, wide-eyed, chest heaving, lips parted. She was young, early to mid-twenties at most. The wind lifted and whipped several loose strands of red hair from her ponytail. She licked her lips and gulped – even though her face was free of make-up, her cheeks, most likely chapped from the cold, gave her skin a rosy hue.

If this young woman was a saboteur, then he was Captain Kidd.

She stood – sneakers rooted to the deck, staring up at him with the prettiest green eyes he’d ever seen – their shifting emerald lights holding him spellbound.

As he watched her, something flickered in their depths and he could see the struggle, the uncertainty in her expression – as if weighing what to do next. She opened her perfect mouth as if she were about to speak, but then thought better of it and clamped her lips together.

The spell broke. He blinked. “Have it your way.” He didn’t suffer fools lightly. No way was he going to let a…



Anxious green-eyed, redheaded vision turn him into one, either.

Keeping his hand on her upper arm, he marched her below deck. As they made their way, he gave her a swift, sideways glance. She moved quickly, taking two steps for each one of his. Visibly panting now, the crease between her eyes held more annoyance than fear. She was a tough one. But so was he. Maybe a day or two in the brig would loosen her lips.

His second officer, Scotty, had just surfaced from the belly of the ship when Noah spotted him.

“We have a visitor. Caught her sneaking around the bridge.” He glanced down at her. “She’s not talking. Lock her up, will you.”

Scotty gaped at her, then at the captain. “Noah, are you sure? I mean…”

“Fine. Get to the bridge. I’ll do it.”

Scotty gave a curt nod and left.

With his hand still on her upper arm, Noah led her to the lowest level of the ship. As they entered the compartment, the stowaway skidded to a halt.

“There’s a brig?”

“She speaks.”

Her eyes glazed over with apprehension and stared, unblinking, at the metal bars.

He unlocked the cell door, pulled it open, then stepped aside for her to enter.

“Since when does a cargo ship have a brig?”

“Since she occasionally sails through pirate-infested waters.”

Wide-eyed and mouth gaping, she stood rooted to the spot. When she didn’t move, he placed his hand to her back and gave a slight push.

The young woman dug in her heels, her back muscles tensing against the palm of his hand. She stood rigid, unblinking. Her earlier tough, annoyed manner had vanished, to be replaced by a troubled expression.

Intrigued, he watched her.

“I…I just need a second,” she said.

What an odd thing to say. Her voice shook with a husky sweetness he found extremely appealing. For some inexplicable reason her resignation to her current predicament touched him.

Easy, Noah. She could be playing you.

He lowered his hand from her back and waited.

She swallowed, glanced at her feet and slowly stepped through the cell door, as if willing her sneakers to enter. She stopped inside the opening. For a second he didn’t think she’d turn around, but in one slow robotic pivot, she faced him.

Her breathing had become quick and shallow, like a dog panting in the hot sun. In a matter of seconds she had it under control as if she’d done it many times before.

For a brief second her vivid green eyes held his gaze, before flickering over him – curious and assessing. What? Was she trying to intimidate him? He couldn’t resist asking. “So. How do I measure up?”

“You don’t.”

Obviously, her recent discomfort hadn’t lasted long. Probably figured her dramatic act was wasted on him. He was no one’s fool. Better she learn it now, than later. “I’ll get you some water and something to eat,” he said. “I imagine you’re hungry and thirsty.”

She’d pulled her ponytail free of its clip causing her hair to tumble in a disheveled golden-red mass around her shoulders. Under the glaring indoor lights, the soft waves framed her ashen face. Her hands shook slightly as she pushed the strands away from her temples, proving she wasn’t nearly as controlled as she’d tried to make him believe.

A dark substance streaked its black mark across her left cheek, highlighted by the stubborn tilt of her chin. Her intense gaze never left his face—

As if daring him to close the door.

As if he had no right.





Authors/Writers, giveaway

Welcome Author Diane Burton

Today, It’s my pleasure to have Romantic Suspense author, Diane Burton, on my blog! Diane is one of my wonderful “Author Helping Author” friends and this isn’t the first time she’s been a guest on Under A Paper Moon! Diane is here to tell us about her new release, Numbers Never Lie! Welcome Diane!

Darcy, thanks so much for having me here today. I’m thrilled to share with you and your readers my new release, Numbers Never Lie, a romantic suspense. This book was over fifteen years in the making. I was almost done then had to set it aside because Life intruded. This winter, I delved into it and discovered I wasn’t as far along as I thought. LOL

Be sure to enter the Rafflecopter at the end of this post for a chance to win a $10 Amazon Gift Card.

Tell us a bit about your new release?

Numbers Never Lie was over fifteen years in the making. I was almost done then had to set it aside because Life intruded. This winter, I delved into it and discovered I wasn’t as far along as I thought. LOL Even worse, the manuscript was spread across several old floppy disks. Thank goodness, Hubs had an external floppy drive reader. Though it required a lot of work recovering the many files, it was worth the effort. I’d forgotten how much I enjoyed Maggie, Drew, and Jack’s story.

Dang girl! Floppy disks – hadn’t heard that word in a while. LOL That is old school. So glad you had the tenacity to stay with it and recover those files!

Before you gasp and think I’ve written a M/F/M managestory, I’d better tell you Maggie and Jack are siblings and Drew is Jack’s best friend. Though stunned by Jack’s accident, too many inconsistences worry Maggie, and she drags a reluctant Drew into her investigation.

What’s a typical working day like for you?

As soon as I get up, I grab a cup of coffee (thank goodness for my Keurig) and open my laptop. I wish I could say I don’t open email or play a game (or 2) but open my work-in-progress first. Some days my eyes don’t function that quickly, I play a game to wake them up. (That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.) I’ll write until lunch, take a break, then either get back to writing or read/respond to email, read blog posts, and work on promotion.

My day is similar. During my lunch break I watch an episode of Stargate SG 1. Love, love, Richard Dean Anderson! *sigh*

So tell me, if a book were being written about your life, what would the title be?

That’s hard. If you’d ask me to name a song, I’d say Patsy Cline’s “Crazy.” How about My Life is an Open Book? Oops, that’s a song title, too. Seriously, if anyone reads my blogs—and I’ve written a ton of them since 2011, both on my own blog and on others’ plus Facebook—it wouldn’t be hard to piece together my life. In my forty-six-year marriage, with two kids and 5 grandkids, I’ve experienced highs and lows, like most people. Fortunately, the highs way outnumber the lows.

Wow, forty-six years! That’s amazing! 

If you could have any meal delivered to your door right now, what would it be?

Ooh. P.F. Chang’s. I’d start with the signature lettuce wraps and dim sum; Oolong Chilean seabass with lobster and shrimp fried rice, and a side of crispy green beans. For dessert, banana spring rolls. Mmm, now I’m hungry. Because all of that is way too much food for me to eat alone, Hubs would have to help me. The best part is my son is a culinary partner with Chang’s, and he would ask me what I was in the mood for and cook that meal accordingly. I am so lucky.

Thanks, Darcy. Those were great questions.

So happy to host you and your new release, Diane! 



A Romantic Suspense

By Diane Burton

Romantic Suspense

Length: approx. 80,000 words

Available at Amazon

Free with Kindle Unlimited



A shocking secret brings danger to Jack Sinclair and his sister Maggie.

Numbers Never Lie - 750 CoverAs kids, they were the fearless threesome. As adults, Jack’s an accountant; Drew, a lawyer; Maggie, a teacher and camping troop leader. Upon returning from a weekend camping trip, Maggie receives horrifying news. She refuses to believe her brother Jack’s fatal car crash was an accident. If the police won’t investigate, she’ll do it herself. Convincing Drew Campbell to help is her only recourse.


Drew Campbell was too busy to return his best friend’s phone call. Too busy to attend a camping meeting important to his teen daughter. Too busy to stay in touch with Jack. Logic and reason indicate Jack’s accident was just that–an accident caused by fatigue and fog. Prodded by guilt, he’ll help Maggie even if he thinks she’s wrong.

A break-in at Jack’s condo convinces Maggie she’s right. Then her home is searched. What did Jack dothat puts Maggie in danger?



The garage door rose. All by itself.

Maggie Sinclair’s heart shot into high gear as she set down the camping equipment next to her SUV. She wasn’t anywhere near the button next to the door to the house. And the remote was right where it belonged, clipped to the Suburban’s visor. Shehadn’t opened the door.

Someone had keyed in the code.

As the door lifted, a pair of athletic shoes and legs encased in wrinkled khakis came into view. Only one other person knew the code to her garage. The numb-nut scaring her half to death had better be him.

In case it wasn’t, Maggie moved quietly to the rack on the wall where the garden tools hung. As the figure outside bent in half and ducked under the door, Maggie raised the shovel, ala Detroit Tiger Miguel Cabrera, fully prepared to whack the intruder. When he straightened, his look of surprise almost matched hers.

“Jack Sinclair,” she yelled. “What are you doing sneaking up on me?”

“Whoa!” Her brother recovered fast, right after dropping a plastic case on the dusty garage floor. A CD spilled out. “What are you doing here?”

She lowered the shovel. “Gee, I don’t know. Ya think maybe because I live here?”

Jack picked up the CD and case. “Are you sick? It’s Friday. And only—” He checked his watch. “—one o’clock. Why aren’t you in school?”

About to lambaste him for scaring her, she gave him a long look. Shadows rimmed his eyes, and his mouth had creases she hadn’t noticed the last time she saw him, a couple of weeks ago. Her neatnik brother never looked disheveled, yet there he was in wrinkled slacks and part of his sport shirt hanging out.

“What’s wrong?” she asked. “You look tired.”

Actually, he looked like his shoulders carried the weight of the world, as their mom used to say. “With Ben out, I had to take over his clients on top of my own. You never said why you’re home in the middle of the afternoon.”

“School is out for the summer.” She returned the shovel to the rack, securing it properly while cringing at the screech. “And you never said why you’re sneaking into my garage?”

He gave her a cocky grin. The creases along his mouth and across his forehead eased. “Can’t I visit my kid sister?”

“When you thought I wasn’t going to be home? Try again, Ace.”

Jack cuffed her around the neck. “Okay, you got me. I wanted to try out a new CD on your system.”

She ducked out from under his arm then hip bumped him. “The truth comes out.”

His combination Christmas and birthday gift to her a couple of years ago was a sophisticated sound system. After he set it up, he’d left detailed—printed, no less—instructions for its use. That was Jack. Always covering the bases. Heaven forbid, he left anything to chance. Even his sister’s entertainment center.

While she pulled the fixings for lunch out of the fridge, Jack went into the living room. When the music didn’t come on right away, she called out, “Forgotten how it works?” She couldn’t resist a smirk. “Why don’t you read the instructions?”

“Nobody likes a smart-ass,” he called back.

Because he seemed so tired, she was surprised by the music. Head-banging rock would not have been her first choice.

“Could you maybe turn it down?” she yelled to be heard over the music. “The neighbor kids will get the wrong idea about their English teacher.”

Jack lowered the volume. When he came out into the kitchen, he grabbed her around the waist and spun her away from the counter. “Maybe those teenage delinquents you insist on trying to educate will think you’re a normal person.”

While he whirled her around the small kitchen, Maggie laughed. “Normal? Instead of the Wicked Witch of the West?” She gave an evil laugh. “‘I’ll get you my pretty.’”

“’And your little dog, too,’” Jack quipped. “You gotta work on that image, Mags.”

“Hey, it works for me.”


Numbers Never Lie is available at Amazon.


About the Author:

Diane Burton combines her love of mystery, adventure, science fiction and romance into joy dent, darcy flynn, darcyflynnromances.comwriting romantic fiction. Besides writing science fiction romance, she writes romantic suspense, and cozy mysteries. Diane and her husband live in West Michigan. They have two children and five grandchildren.

For more info and excerpts from her books, visit Diane’s website:


Connect with Diane Burton online




Goodreads: Diane Burton Author


Sign up for Diane’s new release alert:


If that doesn’t work, here’s the link to Rafflecopter:

Authors/Writers, Tea Time Talks

Katie Puckett – Intern Extraordinaire

Today it’s my pleasure to welcome my talented, super awesome, intern, Katie Puckett to Under A Paper Moon. Katie is from Arkansas and a senior at Belmont University located here in Nashville, Tennessee.

Katie with sweet tea at her elbow.

This past fall, when I approached the department head with a request for an intern, I have to say I didn’t quite know what to expect. But after reading her impressive resume, I looked forward to working with her. I knew, as a millennial, she understood the ins and outs of social media in a way this baby boomer never would – even though I’d spent years using Twitter and Facebook. ?

When I first met with Katie, I had a list of marketing ideas and several other specific objectives I’d hoped to accomplish with her. After brainstorming and hearing some of her suggestions, I encouraged Katie to view me as her client and to use and apply whatever methods she’d learned or was currently learning in class to tweak my brand and most importantly to create a campaign for my upcoming book release. She jumped to the challenge, took that list and ran with it creating a campaign I’ll be able to use as a template now and in the future.

Now that her internship is nearing an end, I thought you might want to get to know her a bit. So, I invited her to share some of what she learned and enjoyed about her time as an intern.

Weekend With the Authors -Nashville, Tennessee. Spring 2018


So Katie…

Tell us where you’re from.

I was born in Peachtree City, Georgia, raised in Bentonville, Arkansas (home of Wal-Mart), and currently reside in Nashville, Tennessee. I spent a majority of my childhood in south Arkansas, climbing trees and acting a fool in nature.

What exactly is your major at Belmont University and why did you chose this field of study? Was there anything in particular that drew you to this industry?

I am in the Publishing major, in the marketing track (there is also an editing track). This is the only specifically book publishing major of it’s kind in the U.S.

My freshman year of college I studied fiction writing in Chicago, but soon realized I would much prefer making books, not writing them.

Reading is my absolute favorite thing to do. I have always read like a monster ever since I was a kid and I have a small closet full of elementary school reading awards.

Describe your dream job after you graduate. How do you see yourself using your degree? Is it publishing, marketing or a combination of both? Do you have a particular publishing house you’re interested in?

My dream job is to open an independent bookstore/tea bar with my family, I’ll buy the books, my mom will be the store manager, my 6’9” brother will shelve the books, and my dad will take care of the math.

But before that I want to work somewhere in the industry. I’m very interested in the distribution and physical creating of books. I also would love to continue working with authors as a literary agent. So I’m interested in a combination of areas of publishing.

As for publishing houses I’m interested in Disney Hyperion, they’re the publishers of my favorite book series; Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Also. Europa Editions, they publish foreign contemporary books, I would love to learn more about foreign rights and translations. I am also interested in Ingram, which is the largest book distributor in the the country.

Can you share something you’ve learned or an area in which you grew during this internship? In other words, how did the internship benefit you? Educationally? Personally?

I learned a lot about what it’s like being an independently published author. In my schooling I mostly learned about how to market from the perspective of a publishing house, so it was a real great opportunity to adapt my knowledge to a different angle. I gained some great hands on experience working one on one with an author, learning about Joy’s experiences and how I might be able to better help any authors I work with in the future.

Any advice you’d like to give to future interns?

Brush up on your WordPress skills! Google is your friend when you can’t figure out how to update a WordPress cite.

How about for those looking for an intern?

Again, Google is your friend. Talk to your professors and friends. Sometimes there are internships you’d never thought to try (like being an author’s assistant).

What would you like your future employer to know about you? 

I am very passionate about books and publishing and in the words of ABBA:

            “Gonna do my very best and it ain’t no lie,

            If you put me to the test, if you let me try,

             Honey I’m still free, Take a chance on me.”

What was the most enjoyable aspect about interning with a romance author? And the least, if any?

The work environment. I loved being comfortable enough to ask questions and give suggestions. It was a joy working with Joy, and I look forward to having a few more months with her this summer!



“My name is Katie Puckett: Gemini, ISFJ, Daughter of Apollo, Book Dragon, and Publishing Student. I am a college student at Belmont University, learning the ins and outs of the book publishing world. Reading, hiking, and yoga enthusiast. I drink an unhealthy amount of sweet tea and read an unhealthy amount of books, despite what the size of my TBR pile would suggest…I can’t help it if I re-read Lord of the Ringsfor the hundredth time. I love fantasy and contemporary novels”



Great Reads, Tea Time Talks

Fall Chowder and a Fun Read



Autumn is a wonderful time to cook chili, savory stews, soups and creamy chowders. There’s nothing like the aroma of homemade chowder simmering on the stove. Cook books are filled with many delicious options, as well as online, which is where I found this simple recipe.

My Recipes – – is one of my favoirte sites to discover new recipes. I found this Simple Clam Chowder recipe there. This particular dish features crispy bacon! YUM! 8570050207_d315290106_z



In my first novel, Keeper of My Heart, Bessie, a secondary character in the book, loves to cook this savory dish for the herione – the fiesty and adorable, Katie McCullough.

Here’s a bit about the story…

Katie McCullough doesn’t know it, but Max Sawyer, the over confident, KeeperofmyHeart_850insufferable thief who outbid her for the lighthouse property, is none other, than her mystery lighthouse sailor. The one man who captured her heart five years earlier, the one man who has since been the plumb line for every other unsuspecting male who has crossed her path. Unfortunately for Max, he doesn’t measure up either.


Still reeling from losing the property she’d planned to call home, sparks fly when Katie assumes Max is turning her beloved lighthouse compound into one of his ‘Serenity Spa Resorts.” Outraged, Katie sets out on a mission to dismantle the property…and his plans.


Except Max’s plans have absolutely nothing to do with hotels and everything to do with winning Katie’s heart.