Musings Under Moonlight, Streetlights Down Memory Lane, Tea Time Talks

Talk About First Kisses

darcy flynn, joy dent, sealed with a kiss
Sealed With a Kiss – Prequel to Keeper of My Heart


My new short story, Sealed With a Kiss, the prequel to my novel, Keeper of My Heart, is now live on Amazon. My heroine, Katie, experiences a kiss that changes her life. It’s her first kiss and you’ll have to read the story to find out more about it. 🙂

What is it about first kisses? They stick in our heads and whether they’re good or not so good, we never forget that very first one.

Writing about Katie’s kiss got me thinking about my first. Not nearly as magical as hers. But memorable just the same.

Freddie (not his real name) and I were in eighth grade and had been in school together since first grade. He was my second grade crush and all through my childhood I thought he was soooo cute. 🙂 So, in eighth  grade when he asked me to be his girlfriend, I was pretty excited. My second grade crush, the boy I’d thought was the cutest thing I’d ever seen, wanted ME to be his girlfriend.

He offered to walk me home that day but on the way we stopped at one of the many canals in New Orleans. He led me to one of the trees that lined the canal and told me he wanted to kiss me.

As you can imagine, I was pretty nervous but also excited.  My heart raced and stuck in my throat as his lips neared mine. His kiss was not sensual or sexy. It was a boys kiss. From a fourteen year old teenager still trying to master the technique. But, for me it was a dream come true.

But, after it was over and my beating heart slowed to normalcy, he did something that shocked and appaled this starry eyed fourteen-year-old girl. He took out a notebook from his shirt pocket and told me I was number eleven. Then he went on to explain that in order for him to kiss me, I had to first be his girlfriend. I guess in his mind, that made it all right.

I stood there and watched him check off my name from the list and if that wasn’t enough, he read the list to me.


He was racking up points. I was nothing more than a conquest, another of his ‘bragging rights’ to his buddies. Then, to top it off,  he told me he couldn’t finish walking me home.

I was crushed. Humiliated. As I tearfully walked the rest of the way to my house, I decided I would NOT be his girlfriend. When I got home I went to my room and burst into tears.

Today, I love that story. I wouldn’t have wanted my first kiss to be with anyone else or have happened any other way.  I think it’s both hysterical and cute and the essence of teenage, hormonal awkwardness. I have to say, having raised a son, I soooo get Freddie. All the things I didn’t understand about boys while growing up, I had the privilege of learning firsthand from my son. But, I digress. That’s another post for another time.

Today, Freddie is married to one of my childhood friends, has beautiful grown children and precious grandchildren!

I would love to hear about your first kiss. Come on. Don’t be shy. Tell us all about it!

Musings Under Moonlight, Tea Time Talks

The Dragon Awakes

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Partial map of the night sky

Tonight is the night the constellation Draco the Dragon will be shooting out meteors aka shooting stars!

The Draconid shower will produce the most meteors tonight and the thin waxing moon means the sky will be dark! Better viewing!


What’s great about this shower is that it’s best viewed at nightfall, not in the early hours of the morning like most meteor showers.

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Waxing Moon

So grab the kids, lay out on the ground, preferably on one of grandma’s old quilts, feet pointing northward and enjoy!

For more detailed and scientific information about the Draconid Meteor shower check out the article in Earth Sky Magazine.

I love hearing from you! Connect with me on Facebook, I’d LOVE to be your friend!

Musings Under Moonlight, Tea Time Talks

More Mouse Mayhem

I really miss my cats. They both died within two weeks of each other over a year ago. Those of you who are cat lovers, know what I miss about them, so I won’t take the time to try to convince you cat despisers, otherwise.

But…one picture IS worth a thousand words.

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My Pirate, Jean Lafitte

Look at that face! Still not convinced? Then…

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Did you want something?

Come on…you know she’s cute!

Okay, I digress. Added to what I miss about my cats is the fact that they were great mousers!

Where was this cat when I needed him?
Where was this cat when I needed him?

Since my two furry felines have been gone, I’ve had my share of mouse mishaps and run-ins. From destroying sentimental handmade Christmas stockings, stashing kernels of popcorn underneath my rec-room sofa, to eating and decimating my stash of Hershey’s dark chocolate kisses! Yes! Those purpley wrapped chocolate morsels meant for human consumption only! Those!

Look closely at the photo below. The icky mouse droppings ARE there!

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Didn’t know mice were into chocolate!

And what about her? Some mouse deterrent! Yea, you better hide!

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Baily Girl

Or him??? Does he look like he’ll be going after the mice partying in my closet, anytime soon?

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Canine Siesta Time

Dream on!

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We’re here to stay!

What about you? Have you had critter squatters? How have you dealt with them? Cat? Mouse trap? Box held up with stick and tied to a string? You think I’m kidding about that last one, don’t you?

I always love hearing from you!

Musings Under Moonlight

Fans sing National Anthem at Boston Bruins game.

I was really touched by this video and realize many of you may have already seen this, but I wanted to share.

Musings Under Moonlight

Eggnog Toast


My Hubby’s Famous Eggnog!
Raised in a toast to all of you! May the Lord richly bless you and yours during 2013!

Musings Under Moonlight, Streetlights Down Memory Lane

Mouse Mischief

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house.

Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. Ah…really?

How could two tiny mice do so much damage?

Where was this cat when I needed him?
Where was this cat when I needed him?

I know, I know, mice are soooo cute. Look at Mickey and Minnie for example. Who would ever think that such an adorable little couple would ever intentionally destroy a family keepsake?

But, I’m sure my two particular rodent’s intent was to build a nest for the little ones soon to grace our basement. And how could I, the owner of such a large comfy space, deny this one little important thing to this mousy couple?

I can see Mrs. Mama-to-be Mouse, now.  Scurrying and searching through the cardboard boxes for just the right material for her nursery. Sniffing here, scratching there and leaving a large deposit of droppings in her wake. Heck, it’s as if she wanted me to find her!

Imagine my delight when I discovered this in my Christmas decorations!

Mouse Homebuilding 101. First, destroy family keepsake.
Mouse Homebuilding 101. First, destroy family keepsake.

No biggie, it was only one of the stockings I made for my husband and me for our first Christmas, almost forty years ago, when we were poor as *ahem*, church mice. Christmas stockings we continued to use every year since, even when we could afford something nicer. It was only  a small nostalgic item, one I made from a pattern I found in Family Circle magazine. Made out of cheap felt, lovingly sown together by hand. That’s all!

Sure, go ahead and shred my hand-made felt stocking into itty-bitty balls of stuffing. It’s not like a need a stocking this year.

Oh, and Merry Christmas, by the way.  I left a little something for you under the worn out wreath leaning along the basement wall.

Snack Time

I hope you like peanut butter. 🙂

Musings Under Moonlight

My Farm LIfe

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SunCroft Farm

I’m blessed to live on a beautiful farm in Franklin, Tennessee. It is the perfect place to write a novel. I have all of the solitude that I could ever want. My son is away at college and my husband is traveling right now, so most interruptions to my day are when the my dogs want to go outside. 🙂

Knowing how much I love to take walks, my husband forged a maze of meandering paths through the woods on our property, and along the creek, with his tractor.

Thank you, sweetie!

Perfect for long walks when I want to mull over a scene or plot point.

Till next time…
