Authors/Writers, new release

Happy Release Day!

So thrilled the 2nd edition of Rogue’s Son is finally available! It’s the same fun read, but with a gorgeous new cover! The model’s name is Greg Perrow – the perfect Sam Dawson!


Here’s a short excerpt for you to enjoy!

Kit and Sam are at a barn raising and Kit is sitting underneath a tree with her lunch.

“Mind if I join you?” Sam had timed the question just as her mouth was full so she’d be less likely to say ‘no’. But the darts shooting from her eyes told him exactly what her mouth could not. He ignored it and sat down next to her. Sunlight dappled through the leaves that canopied over them, sparking fire off the copper strands that covered her head.

Kit scooted her rear over in an attempt to put some distance between them. “Yes, I mind,” she finally got out after practically choking on her food. “Besides, won’t your Dallas friend miss you?”

“Diana? She’s a big girl. I’m sure she’ll be fine for a few minutes without me.” He gazed at Diana who stood across the yard, preening and smiling at a small group of men gathered around her.”

He glanced back at Kit. She was eyeing Diana and her entourage with something close to repugnance.

“What a flirt. And that dress. Dang. Was she poured into it?” Kit fingered a button on her baggy checked blouse. “How do you stand it? She’s like a mare in season.”

He threw back his head and laughed. “I still see you have a way with words.”

“Just trying to keep you grounded.” She cleared her throat. “I have to say, I never figured you with someone like her.”

“You mean someone, long-legged and gorgeous?”

Kit forked a potato wedge. “Just sayin.”

“I don’t know? I went for you didn’t I?”

Here’s what reviewers are saying…

“A fabulous contemporary western! The emotion and drive behind Kit and Sam suck the reader in so that one’s emotions follow the same roller coaster until its sigh-worthy conclusion.” InD’tale Magazine

“I loved this book. I’ve found a new author to add to my must-read list.” Amazon Review

“Miss Flynn has given us a book that is well-written and packed it with amazing, lovable characters.” Amazon Review





Saturday Spotlight -Author Kara O’Neal

Today I’d like to welcome Kara O’Neal to Under a Paper Moon! Kara is one of my AHA author friends and this is the first time I’ve had the pleasure of hosting her on my blog.

kara-1-of-1Born and raised in Texas, the state had to be the setting for my first series. From the food to the fun, like floating the rivers, it is the fire in my blood that inspires me. My family and friends take center stage in my books. My sisters and best friends are my heroines, and my husband created my favorite hero. Love and family are the point of my stories, and I seek to entertain, relieve stress, and inspire people. Books can take one on a journey that one can relive over and over. I am extremely grateful to those authors who did that very thing for me. I learned and I fell in love with their words and characters. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Please visit me at


Here’s a bit of info about Kara’s book…
Love’s Redemption is a story of forgiveness and courage. I loved writing this book. Willa is someone I admire. She’s had a tough life and does everything she can to protect her loved ones. I enjoyed exploring her heart and watching her achieve happiness. And she deserves so much happiness. Lonnie is the man she needs, loyal, steady and kind. He is, without doubt, my favorite hero in the Pikes Run Series. (So far.) And while he has a calm nature, he can be just as assertive and determined as Willa. Together they make a wonderful couple, a model of true love. You will not be disappointed in their journey!

When she was little more than a child, Willa Kramer went to extreme lengths to save her love-s-redemptionfamily from their abusive father. After that horrible day, her mother and siblings moved to Tennessee, and Willa had hoped to leave Texas, its memories and Lonnie Davis, the only boy she had ever trusted, behind. But fate is unpredictable.

Five years have passed, and Lonnie finds himself reunited with Willa, the only girl he’s ever loved. He’s determined not to let her slip away again, but a figure from the past looms, threatening his hopes for the future.

He paused. His chest tightened. He’d waited a long time to see her, had wondered if he ever would. Years ago, she’d wrapped him around her little finger, and he’d grown so attached to her, he’d thought about moving to Tennessee to be with her. But then she had stopped writing. To say it had hurt would be an understatement. But he hadn’t been angry. He could never be angry with her. Never. And now she was back and near. It was too tempting.

After taking a deep breath, he moved forward then went through the screen door. Even though it gave a loud creak, she didn’t turn. Did she know it was he who stood behind her?
The light breeze ruffled her skirt. Her long, velvety hair grazed the small of her back. An ache centered in the pit of his stomach. He’d missed her. And now she was here. “Hello, Willa.”

You can purchase Love’s Redemption at Amazon.

Kara would love to connect with you!

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