As I Was Saying...

It’s That Time of Year. . . Again.

Yes, friends, the message is loud and clear. Time to shed those unwanted pounds. But, here’s my question. Why now? Why not in June or April or October? But, I digress. The advertising powers-that-be have chosen this to be the moment when we all decide to make changes in our lives. At this rate we’ll never accomplish anything. Okay, I’m chasing another rabbit. Sorry. Back to the subject of this post.

The signals are everywhere, from popular TV personalities touting their favorite weight loss programs to our local grocer stacking hundreds of Special K cereal boxes in our line of vision as soon as we enter the store. I still can’t figure out how they knew I was coming in today. *scratches head*

darcy flynn, joy dent, darcy flynn romances
Special K

Seriously, this display greeted me mere hours ago while I was shopping for . . . yes, fresh veggies, lean meats and my stash of lean cuisine favorites to keep in my freezer for my, *ahem* diet!

But the Pavlovian signals didn’t end there, they followed me throughout the store .  .  .




to the check out counter where a huge rack of magazines ‘shouted’ the message at me. 🙂

joy dent, darcy flynn,
Magazine Stand

No! I. Do. Not. Need. A. New. Set. Of. Dumbbells! The old, unused ones that are still in the original box will work just fine if I ever remember to take them out and set them someplace where I’ll remember to use them.



Talk about in your face!

Do they really not know that I’d KILL for a body like the one on the covers staring at me at the checkout? I’m sure the perfect models on those covers shook their heads at the Salty Caramel Ice Cream that slid by on the conveyer belt! *hangs head in shame* Okay, I would not actually kill anyone for that body, except maybe my own. Let me tell you, too much Fettuccine, Ice cream and Oreo cookies will eventually take their toll. 🙂

So. come on. Join me for the 100th New Year’s Resolution and let us get it done!

Once. And. For. All!

Okay, right now at this very moment, right as I’m trying to end this post, Marie Osmond is flitting her gorgeous self on the TV telling me, once again, how she lost 50 pounds on Nutisystem.

See what I mean?

Have a Blessed and Happy 2014! I appreciate and love you all! 🙂

Healthy Living, Tea Time Talks

Stay the Course

darcy flynn, joy dent, scales

Now is about the time where most of our January resolutions might be showing signs of wear and tear. You’ve either fallen flat on your rear end, or you’re soaring… or if you’re like me, you’re somewhere in the middle.

I lost 10 pounds in February, but then gained it all back while spending a month with my son in Los Angeles. Have I told you how many fantastic restaurants he has within walking distance of his house?

Hugo’s, Barney’s Beanery, Basix and In and Out Burger is a short drive down the street! So, you’ll forgive me if I indulge. Or, actually, I must forgive myself for indulging. Because that’s usually what:

knocks me off track,

derails me from my original destination.

If you’re like me, you don’t forgive yourself from going on these little side trips to “eat-all-you-wantville”!

We tell ourselves we can’t do it,

we’re losers,

we have no self-discipline,

we’re never going to make it,

we may as well burn our skinny jeans.

And the negative talk goes on and on until we believe it!

Listen.  That little red devil on your shoulder, hates you!

He wants you to fail.

He wants you to be unhealthy,

to feel tired all the time,

to live in your clutter,

to stop writing,

to ________(file in the blank).

Be a Copy Cat. Find someone to emulate.

Maybe it’s a celerity or the gal who lives down the street. Just know you’re not alone in this. There are others out there like you and me. They’ve been in our shoes and they’ve made it. They’ve succeeded, they’ve carved a path for us to follow. They shown us how. We can look to them, be encouraged by them. Because they lost the weight, organized their closets and their life.

 Choose. Joy, a positive attitude, the “I can do it” spirit, to make the RIGHT decision.

Think of it this way. If you were driving down the road on the way to Disney World in Florida and you made a wrong turn and found yourself heading in the opposite direction toward New York, what would you do?

'Detour', via Lynn Kelley, Wana Commons
‘Detour’, via Lynn Kelley, Wana Commons

Stop and tool around the area, shop a little, eat out…

Okay, so you’ve lost a couple of hundred miles, but continuing in the wrong direction will only make things worse. You know that and I know that.

So, turn around already!

What’s your destination? Where do you want to go?

In the same way you plan your trip, plan for your weight loss, or your de-clduttering project. Start when things have settled down.  Sure, stop and take a break for that special anniversary, that big birthday. But don’t forget your ultimate goal.

So, say goodbye to the birthday girl, give her a hug and get back on the road.

Your destination awaits. Go!

Traffic LIght, Wikipedia
Traffic LIght, Wikipedia

How’s your progress? What’s de-railing you? Slowing your progress? What’s working? Tell us!

I love it when you share. I’m listening!

Connect with me on Facebook, I’d LOVE to be your friend!

Tea Time Talks

Darcy’s De-Cluttering Diet

darcyflynnromances, darcy flynn, joy dent, sweet romances
Wana Common’s Photo by Melissa Bowersock

I love New Year’s resolutions! There’s something about starting with a clean slate. I love the thought of finally loosing twenty pounds, de-cluttering the closets, the drawers, the pantry, the basement, the mudroom…you get the idea. Then life happens and the best plans fizzle out.

But this year I’m going to make it.

Let me ask you. Do you want to get rid of all the junk that’s crammed in your drawers and stuffed in your closets? Do you want to loose weight? To get into those skinny jeans that have happily mocked you from the back of your closet for …how long?

Well, I do and this year I’m going to succeed. Why? Because I’ll have you in my corner. And I’ll be in your corner. We’ll cheer each other on. We’ll clap and do the snoopy dance whenever one of us looses five pounds of fat or five pounds of clutter. That’s the goal. Five little pounds at a time.

Did you know that research shows that clutter in your house shows up on your hips, tummy and rear end? It’s true. I’m a perfect example!  So here’s the plan. We’re going to start by getting organized. I know, I know. If we were organized we wouldn’t have all that clutter and excess weight on our hips. But, all I’m talking about here is starting small with a teeny, tiny little plan. Something to get us started and to keep us motivated on this de-cluttering thing.

Now, you and I both know there are a million ways to do this. After all, we’ve read every de-cluttering book out there! But, let’s keep this simple. You will need two empty boxes or sacks. Mark one ‘to give away’ and one ‘to throw away’.

To get started, I want you to start with your clothes closet- drawers, boxes…any place that holds anything and everything you wear. If you just want to de-clutter and not loose weight then start anywhere you want. Pick a room or an area in your house that you’re sick of looking at because of all the junk and the mess. You’ll feel terrific when you’re done!

Now, walk around that space and take a good look because when you’re done this closet is going to look a lot different. Stream-lined, organized and efficient. When you get finished, you are going to love getting dressed in the morning.

Now grab the two boxes, then go through each rack, drawer and shelf and take an honest look at the items. If you haven’t used it, worn it in over a year or if you hate it but kept it because your mother or your best friend gave it to you, GET RID OF IT. Put it in one of those boxes. If you’re not sure about it, put it in the give away box. (this does not mean you’re giving it away, you’re just getting it out of your closet)


What is your initial thought about the item, DO what that thought told you to do. One of the main reasons we have difficulty parting with things is because we are emotionally attached to the item. That’s why I don’t want you to stop and think, to stress or second guess. Remember, you haven’t thrown anything away yet, you can always retrieve it later.

Now, go to another area or room and do the same thing. Don’t get discouraged. For most of you, this process will take days, maybe even weeks. That’s okay. Focus on your closet over the week-end. Make sure you haul away everything in the ‘throw away’ box. That one act alone should make your pants feel looser! 🙂 Then store the other boxes in the spare room until next week.

Remember, ACT on your first impulse about the item in question. If you stop and think, it will stay in the closet.

Go! Girls, Go!  Then post a response and let me know how you did. If you’ve de-cluttered in the past let me know how you did it. What worked for you. What didn’t.

More to come on Darcy’s De-Cluttering Diet in next weeks post. We’ll be focusing on the pantry in preparation for the diet!

But for now…go on, get rid of it!

Connect with me on Facebook, I’d LOVE to be your friend!