McMillan and Wife

darcy flynn romances

Last week, while on Spring Break, I rediscovered one of my favorite TV shows from the early 70s!

      McMillan and Wife

darcy flynn romancesRock Hudson and Susan Saint James *sigh*

I simply adored their on screen chemistry! And the theme music depicts it beautifully. The show is on Netflix and Hulu and if you google the title you’ll find several other places online to view some of the shows. And of course, you can buy the dvd’s on Amazon.

Here’s the delightful theme song composed by Jerry Fielding from Once Upon a Dead Man, the movie that came before the TV series, McMillan and Wife. This is a compilation of both the opening and closing credits. Enjoy!

What’s your favorite TV show from the 70s? Did it have a fantastic theme song?

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